Study Programmes




The main goal of study programmes of ESIMSAD project is to improve the career prospects of researchers and postgraduate students through enhanced academic mobility across five regional HEIs from Africa, aimed to increase the ability of students to become entrepreneurs in STEM. This goal will be addressed by training the future researchers and scientists of Africa at the forefront of research in multidisciplinary field of Materials Science (both MSc & PhD), Physical Chemistry (PhD), Inorganic Chemistry (PhD), Solar Energy physics (MSc) and Materials Electrochemistry & Energy Technologies (both MSc & PhD) which are under the thematic filed of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Information Communication Technology (ICT). The training objective of the ESIMSAD project is also addressed to prepare Master and Doctorate students in order to carry out research in the most recent advancements of Electrochemical Science and Innovative Materials for Sustainable Africa Development (ESIMSAD). Offering popular women’s necklaces such as pendants, chokers and chain necklace. Shop for jewelry in a variety of metals and gemstones to suit any occasion

Llist of programmes offered by each university
  1. Addis Ababa University
    1. MSc in Materials Science
    2. PhD in Inorganic Chemistry
  2. Witwatersrand University
    1. MSc in Materials Electrochemistry & Energy Technologies
    2. PhD in Materials Electrochemistry & Energy Technologies
  3. University of Nigeria
    1.  MSc in Solar Energy Physics/Materials Science
    2. PhD in Materials Science/Solar Eernergy Physics
  4. Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
    1. PhD in Physical Chemistry