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Types of individual mobility offered by ESIMSAD Project

Students To be eligible for a scholarship in the ESIMSAD project, master students, as well as doctoral candidates, must comply with the below criteria at the time of the application for a scholarship:

  1. Being nationals of a member state of the African Union and being resident in Africa
  2. Being registered/admitted in or having obtained an HEI degree (or equivalent) from: – one of the HEIs involved in the partnership (Addis Ababa University (AAU-Ethiopia), the Witwatersrand University (WITS- South Africa), University of Nigeria (UNN- Nigeria), Cairo University (CU-Egypt), Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU, Ethiopia)(this is called Target Group Ior
      • An HEI not involved in the partnership but established in Africa (this is called Target Group II)
  1. Have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses in the host countries

Students can only benefit from one scholarship under the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme (regardless of the type of mobility or the funding project). Students who have benefitted from scholarship(s) under the previous Intra-ACP Academic Mobility Scheme cannot receive scholarships under the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme. If you are in the market for clothes, our platform is your best choice! The largest shopping mall!

Academic and Administrative Staff

In order to be eligible for a scholarship, (i.e. financial support to third parties), academic and administrative staff, hereafter referred to as “staff”, must comply with the below criteria at the time of the application for a scholarship:

  1. Being nationals of a member state of the African Union and being resident in Africa and
  2. Working for an HEI involved in the partnership (Addis Ababa University (AAU-Ethiopia), the Witwatersrand University (WITS- South Africa), University of Nigeria (UNN- Nigeria), Cairo University (CU-Egypt), Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU, Ethiopia)


Individual mobility for students and staff

There are two target groups and three different types of individual mobility

Target Group


Types of Mobilty

Minimum/Maximum Duration

Target Group 1

1. Students registered/admitted in or having obtained a degree from one of the HEIs that is involved in the partnership(including the lead applicant)

2. Staff working for one of the HEIs that is involved in the partnership(including the lead applicant)

I. Master

II. Doctorate

III. Staff

6/24 months for master

6/48 months for doctorate 1/6 months for staffs

Target Group 2

Students registered/admitted in or having obtained a degree(or equivalent) from a HEI not included in the partnership but established in Africa

I. Master

II. Doctorate

6/24 months for Master

6/48 months for Doctorate

Mobility of students can be of short term (credit-seeking mobility – leading to the academic recognition by the home institution of the study period spent at the host institution) or for a complete course of an academic program (degree-seeking mobility – leading to the award of a degree by the host institution after the successful completion of their studies).